The merchant cash advance is an alternative to business loan, which has earned a great deal of popularity in the recent past. Small business owners are always in need of immediate cash and merchant advance provides this instant funding to these organizations. The working capital is provided to the merchants in lieu of their future credit sales.
You must have visited the bank innumerable number of times and requested them for the loans. But they must have turned a deaf ear to your request in spite of you providing them with guarantors and collaterals. Just turn on to this alternative funding option and get the money you need now!
With small business financing from Rapid Capital Funding you will get all the information related to your specific business type. You will get cash advance for modernizing, renovating or even for mere subsistence of your business in the USA. Small business cash advance is available to all US small business merchants who earn over $5000 a month in their credit card sale for 6 months at least. Isn’t acquiring of the finances easy for you?
“No personal guarantee, no credit score, no collateral” – obtaining merchant cash advance is as simple as that!