
Monday, 1 August 2011

Rapid Capital Funding’s Business Cash Advance Program for Cellular Stores

Business Cash Advance
Are you in need of funds for the growth of your cellular business? With Rapid Capital Funding’s business cash advance program, now you can certainly fulfill this objective and can make your cell phone or wireless communications store stand out from the crowd.

It has been observed that most of the     banks or conventional lending sources often remain reluctant to grant the small business loans for the cellular stores. Even if your credit score is good, the banks want to avert these kinds of business loans due to their low margins.

However, with the merchant advance program of Rapid Capital Funding, now you no longer need to get concerned on this aspect. It not only provides you with an unsecured working capital of up to $250,000 but even makes sure that you receive the same within a span of only 72 hours.

The payback process is also hassle-free and unlike the traditional small business loans; here you even do not need to submit personal guarantee and collateral like before. Even if your business undergoes a rough phase, you can remain assured that there won’t be any kind of the impact in the daily cash flow. 

However, do keep in note that in order to claim your business as an eligible candidate for this merchant cash advance program, your cell phone and wireless communication store must accept Visa, Master Card, Discover Card and American Express as the methods of payment. Moreover, the credit and debit card sales should be a minimum amount of $5,000 per month and most importantly your business must be located within United States.


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