
Monday, 14 November 2011

Now Choose Business Cash Advance Over Traditional Loans for Your Business Needs

For small business owners acquiring business loans are gradually becoming difficult with each passing day as most banks and traditional lending institutions are unwilling to approve loans until and unless certain terms and conditions are fulfilled. Luckily, Rapid Capital Funding has come up with a cash advance program which can successfully fill up that gap.
Though the business cash advance program has various benefits, many business owners are cynical and quite hesitant to be open to such an idea. To start with, unlike small business loans, this cash advance not only enables you to get an unsecured cash amount of $250000 but also makes sure that it reaches you within 7 days.
Moreover, there is no requirement for any security collateral or personal guarantee. With this cash advance your life is made much easier as you do not need to bear any additional costs in the form of startup costs or hidden charges. With business cash advance you also free from the hassles of paperwork. This alternative funding is available to all business people irrespective of their credit status. In addition to that, here you do not need any business history.
You might be thinking of its approval time. Isn’t it? Let me astonish you by saying that the approval time is just 24 hours. The best part of this merchant cash advance program is that it is totally based on credit card transactions which mean that if your business accepts debit or credit cards as a form of payment then you are an eligible contender.
Besides, the money that you get for your business can be used for any business purpose and for that you do not need to specify any plan or purpose. The funds can be used for business expansion, renovation, payroll, buying equipments etc.
The way this cash advance is paid back is also simple. The pay back norm is designed in a way to automatically adjust with the ups and downs of the business. This means that now you can keep your cool when your business goes through a bad phase in times of economic slowdown.
So what do think? Isn’t this a better alternative compared to traditional business loans? Now you don’t have to think twice before choosing Rapid Capital Funding’s cash advance to get your working capital.


lorain.jhon said...

I think Company Money Enhance has simple and versatile circumstances. So its obvious that we can get it on simple conditions.
Business Cash Advance

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