
Monday, 5 December 2011

Business Cash Advance: A Preferred Alternative Financing Options for Small Business Owners

Business cash advance from Rapid Capital Funding looks after your immediate credit needs. Instead of approaching banks for loans, you can now opt for this cash advance program. This program not only brings you immediate cash but also makes sure that it reaches you in just 3 days.

Business cash advance program also has a higher approval rate and is available to you without any security collateral or personal guarantee. This cash advance program, unlike traditional small business loans, does not even ask you to go for a credit score or background verification. You are also not made to go through any hassles of paper works or additional costs.

This cash advance unlike traditional bank loans takes only 24 hours for approval which is actually the prime reason behind its immense popularity. The funding institution also allows you to enjoy the luxury of using the cash with utmost freedom. You can use the cash for any business activity.

In Short, Take A Quick Look At The Key Features:
·         You get cash in 72 hours
·         Have 95% chance of approval
·         Requires no applications
·         Requires no closing fees
·         Requires no collateral
·         Requires no personal guarantee
·         Have no fixed payments
·         Have quick approval

This alternative financing solution is based on expected credit card sales which require you to carry out all your business transactions through either credit or debit card.

The additional benefits of this cash advance program are making it a preferred choice among small business owners for acquiring their working capital.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree to you that business cash advance is a perfect alternative for the small businesses which is facing bad credit position. I am too happy after availing this option in my business.

Merchant Account Loans

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